CCTV Surveys – a way to make your life easy – or just easier?

If you are a construction professional in Ireland, you need to know about CCTV surveys.

CCTV surveys are a process for examining the condition of systems remotely with a camera system that records video footage and captures other useful data. They can be used to investigate drain and sewer problems, such as blockages, poor flow rates and pollution incidents, or to support construction projects by identifying and evaluating drain connections to meet regulatory controls.

Primarily, CCTV surveys use high-definition cameras attached to flexible cables or remote-controlled crawlers that can navigate through the system and record images and videos.

In recent years drones have increased in usage as they allow for safe inspection and exploration of indoor, inaccessible, and confined spaces. They remove the risk of man entry.

Here are some of the reasons why you should choose CCTV surveys for your projects:

  • They help you avoid costly and risky problems in your system, such as blockages, cracks, root infestations, collapsed sewers, or poorly connected pipes. These problems can cause flooding, pollution, odours, or legal action. With CCTV surveys, you can detect and fix them before they get worse.
  • They help you create detailed and accurate maps of your network, showing the location, size, material, and direction of the pipes, as well as the position of key assets such as manholes and surface water drains. These maps can help you get planning permission, design drainage solutions, or plan maintenance or repair works. You can also share them with your clients, contractors, or regulators.
  • They can help comply with environmental regulations and standards, as well as prevent potential damage to the property or the surrounding area.
  • They can provide evidence of the system’s condition before and after a development project, which can be useful for insurance or legal purposes.
  • They are reassuring and trustworthy, as with the proper commentary and analysis of these reports they can provide all the answers for the vested interests in every construction project.

These results need to be analysed by experts to provide you with a comprehensive report and recommendations. The real ‘win’ of this service is in the quality of this report. These reports can run to hundreds of pages. Some of your audience just want a high-level summary and some need that level of detail and 3D pipe mapping. Finding a provider who has the skill to provide a comprehensive report to suit all your needs, back-office service and follow up implementation of the report recommendations, is the key.

From data capture to decision making, CCTV surveys work hand in hand to provide operational continuity, boosting your efficiency through every step of the inspection process.

CD Environmental are the leading provider of CCTV surveys in Ireland. We have the experience, equipment, and expertise to deliver high-quality results for your projects.